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Liste aller Pakete in der Kategorie restricted/x11

Insgesamt wurden 4 Pakete in dieser Kategrie gefunden.

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Sektion restricted/x11
nvidia-kernel-common NVIDIA binary kernel module common files 20080825+1ubuntu2 nvidia-kernel-common_20080825+1ubuntu2_all.deb Offizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (restricted)
nvidia-settings-updates Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver 295.33-0ubuntu1 nvidia-settings-updates_295.33-0ubuntu1_i386.deb Offizielles Ubuntu Archiv precise (restricted)
nvidia-settings-updates Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver 304.43-0ubuntu1 nvidia-settings-updates_304.43-0ubuntu1_i386.deb Offizielles Ubuntu Archiv quantal (restricted)
nvidia-settings-updates Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver 280.13-0ubuntu1 nvidia-settings-updates_280.13-0ubuntu1_i386.deb Offizielles Ubuntu Archiv oneiric (restricted)

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