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Beschreibungquick and easy performance analysis tools (ia64, 2.6 kernel only)
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (multiverse)
Installierte Größe176 Byte
Hängt ab vonguile | guile-1.6, guile-1.6-slib, libc6 (>= 2.6.1-1)
Empfohlene Paketegraphviz, gs-gpl
PaketbetreuerUbuntu MOTU Developers
Paketgröße43918 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5b88edde9325b80a82e91b8c27e57a40f
Prüfsumme SHA1db88b382b3f79782bf327cf8dd059ee3477d7322
Prüfsumme SHA256e0687aa1e9bbaba5c5607ee49973aa20f5d194360dd7af9299f6ae4eda105eb5
Link zum Herunterladenq-tools_0.4-1_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungQ-Tools are simple command line tools developed to make it quick and easy to do very basic performance analysis. Currently, q-tools includes a system-wide profiler (q-syscollect), a gprof-style profile visualizer (q-view), and a call-graph visualizer (q-dot). . This is a very early version of the tools and they are known to have a lot of rough edges. . These tools will currently only work on amd64, Pentium M/P6 (i386), or ia64 systems using a Linux 2.6.x (x > 4) kernel.

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