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BeschreibungThe train-routing calculator library - development
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (multiverse)
Installierte Größe136 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibtrain1 (= 0.9b-11), libc6-dev
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu MOTU Developers
Paketgröße35280 Byte
Prüfsumme MD51e69298a8486a39cfff8575a96283956
Prüfsumme SHA121dc6a691722ae838fb335fe9d465625e8450b6b
Prüfsumme SHA256140f1c158f09cae3128c50af97134767e91143ad80babe266675ee83bb17cd72
Link zum Herunterladenlibtrain-dev_0.9b-11_i386.deb
Ausführliche Beschreibunglibtrain is a library for calculating the shortest route from a train station to another in consideration of time and distance. It tells you which line you should take and where you should transfer at. . Note that this is a *library*, so you have to get interface programs using libtrain(gtktrain is recommended) to actually use it. . To use this software, you'll need to get the train schedule data separately and install it by yourself. See README.Debian for more detail. . This package contains the header file and static library for developing with libtrain.

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