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Beschreibunggraphical frontend to manage BibTeX databases
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (multiverse)
Installierte Größe2836 Byte
Hängt ab vonopenjdk-6-jre | sun-java6-jre | sun-java5-jre, antlr, antlr3, libjgoodies-looks-java, libjgoodies-fo
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße2583086 Byte
Prüfsumme MD59af28c5ea399e5abad18b1a94c16edc8
Prüfsumme SHA1dc6433b14cb00469992975465245fbf3a6672eef
Prüfsumme SHA256ee6e82d28ea7a9b29cc03ed7a94c5239380177454cd3f99a8db756cde5deedf2
Link zum Herunterladenjabref_2.5-1ubuntu1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungJabRef is a graphical Java application for editing bibtex (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard Bibtex fields. JabRef can autogenerate bibtex keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference entries. . JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.

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