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Beschreibunga Web application to display and edit DocBook documents online
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (multiverse)
Installierte Größe6200 Byte
Hängt ab vonapache | httpd, php4-cli | php5-cli, libapache-mod-php4 | libapache-mod-php5 | libapache2-mod-php4 |
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße908840 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5e3ee1ac256602c2474625d00da03b2f8
Prüfsumme SHA1404678404b2f29b589bb489cf0a0a824744eefe4
Prüfsumme SHA256fec327eed0ce569db44d97f505560a3ef8da031a64f3cce4d38b54d203f358ca
Link zum Herunterladendocbookwiki_0.9.1cvs-12_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungDocBookWiki is like a wikiwiki which saves the content in XML (DocBook) format. It has the following features: * Can display a DocBook document online. * Can display several documents at once (a list of books). * Can display each of them in several languages. * Allows to edit a certain section of a certain book in a certain language. * Editing can be done in several modes, like text, html, xml, texi, latex etc. * The basic format is always DocBook (XML), no matter how it is displayed or edited. * Each document (in each language) can be converted automatically into other formats (like PDF, RTF, LaTeX, etc.) for downloading. * All the history of modifications is kept (in SVN) and any previous versions of a document can be recovered (by tag or by date) by the admin of the site. * Authentication of editors can be enabled and admin can assign different access rights and permissions to the editors.

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