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BeschreibungConfigurable UPS monitoring daemon
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (universe)
Installierte Größe168 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibc6 (>= 2.7), debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, debconf
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße43240 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5550fb5314a1860f24893aed04d486437
Prüfsumme SHA114a0f8acfd11c6392ed32a964ecb3dca45136411
Prüfsumme SHA256ebaa779a5c346c442e60f4188948557a8fab6607509c3f87b9e6b06ec6720af8
Link zum Herunterladenpowstatd_1.5.1-7_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungAssuming you have a relay-based "dumb" UPS that corresponds with your machine via a serial connection, you should be able to configure powstatd in just a few minutes. It is easily configured, and can be expected to support most "dumb" UPS supplies. . UPS models known to work: CyberPower PowerSL series CyberPower Power2000 1500VA CyberPower Power99 325VA, 400VA, 500VA and 720VA Some older CyberPower 385VA and 450VA models TrippLite Internet Office 500 UPS Various older APC units. . Powstatd can also be configured to allow a master machine to control (Via a network connection) up to 20 (by default) additional slave machines connected to the same UPS. This allows you to run several machines off the same UPS, with only one of the machines actually reading the UPS status over the serial line. This version of powstatd uses secure cryptography to communicate between master and slave(s), replacing the older powstatd-crypt Debian package.

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