Ausführliche Beschreibung | M-Tx is a music-from-text language designed to look as much as possible
like printed music. Here is some typical input code:
Title: Net soos ek is
Composer: Charlotte Elliott
Style: SATB
Sharps: 2
Meter: 3/4
PMX: w190m
Space: 9
@+5 b4 b b | b2d | a4 a a | a2d | d4 e- f | g2 e4 | d2d of |]
L: Net soos ek is, net soos ek is, O Lam van God, ek kom.
d4s g f | e2d | e4 f e | d2d | d4 dr d | d2 c4 | d2d |]
@^+5 rp | b4 e d | c2d | a4 d c | ( b2d | b2 ) g4 | f2d |]
LT: Net soos ek is, O Lam van God, ek kom.
a4 a a | g2d | g4 g g | f2d | b4- g+ f | e2 a4- | d2d ofd |]
L: Net soos ek is, net soos ek is, O Lam van God, ek kom.
To run M-Tx, you also need MusiXTeX, musixlyr and PMX, all available as
Debian packages.
Author: Dirk Laurie