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Beschreibungdevelopment library for SCIM platform
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (universe)
Installierte Größe2172 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibscim8c2a (= 1.4.9-2), libx11-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, libpango1.0-dev
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße483368 Byte
Prüfsumme MD532f32779265037ad28fbe743cdf0e8c3
Prüfsumme SHA17afd9c013bb3a2f643e6724f4ceff2a50bce6da4
Prüfsumme SHA256f6f26be7d43a8cdf0cef916e41c365580b8e5486977a14bd003cf6255b2f486f
Link zum Herunterladenlibscim-dev_1.4.9-2_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungSCIM (Smart Common Input Method) is an input method (IM) platform. . This package provides development libraries on SCIM platform, including the header files and static libraries. The development documentations can be found in the scim-dev-doc package. . SCIM can be used as a dynamically loaded library on a single machine, or as a server/client model through socket in a network environment. As a component of the system, SCIM can work with existing IM framework such as XIM or IIIMF (in progress), as well as using client specific IM interface, such as GTK+ IM module or Qt IM module. SCIM provides an IM application, scim, which use various IM engines to provide input methods for many languages, either by native modules (such as scim-pinyin and scim-hangul) or interfaces to other IM libraries (such as scim-anthy, scim-uim, scim-m17n, and scim-chewing). . For more information about SCIM, please see the description of scim package.

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