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BeschreibungA reimplementation of libdjb
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (universe)
Installierte Größe2020 Byte
Hängt ab vondietlibc-dev
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu MOTU Developers
Paketgröße225226 Byte
Prüfsumme MD59c39c19d1cf9e3f2cb136b1ab40843f4
Prüfsumme SHA1b9930c6fbbee855a46a8c9a816b5cb3e4d925dcd
Prüfsumme SHA256440dbdf47a67b043fbe0ad91225781df19a0829e82b416450d3e911d26981ded
Link zum Herunterladenlibowfat-dev_0.27-1build1_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis library is a reimplementation of libdjb, which means that it provides Daniel Bernstein's interfaces (with some extensions). . It contains wrappers around memory allocation, buffered I/O, routines for formatting and scanning, a full DNS resolver, several socket routines, wrappers for socket functions, mkfifo, opendir, wait, and an abstraction around errno. It also includes wrappers for Unix signal functions and a layer of mmap and sendfile. . The library is available for use with the diet libc.

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