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BeschreibungOCaml application-level Internet libraries - GTK2 development libraries
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (universe)
Installierte Größe160 Byte
Hängt ab vonocaml-findlib, liblablgtk2-ocaml-dev-t1zm6, libocamlnet-ocaml-dev-2m6d1, ocaml-nox-3.11.2
Empfohlene Paketelibocamlnet-ocaml-doc
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße38934 Byte
Prüfsumme MD567261f25d9c3e4070ae277679e5f1d2b
Prüfsumme SHA1e1d62fe438b2c3205defca92765192033797b7bd
Prüfsumme SHA25636e254e2a47386a9edb66a9d5cb5b2d6dfb46e1af318ed7e1763581ca9399e05
Link zum Herunterladenlibocamlnet-gtk2-ocaml-dev_2.2.9-7build2_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungOcamlnet is a collection of OCaml libraries focusing focus on application-level Internet protocols and conventions. . Ocamlnet consists of the following libraries: * netstring: processing of strings that occur in network context * netcgi1 and netcgi2: portable web applications * nethttpd: is a web server component (HTTP server implementation) * netplex: generic server framework * rpc: OncRPC implementation * netclient: clients for HTTP, FTP, and Telnet * equeue: event queue used for many protocol implementations * shell: external commands invocation * netshm: shared memory for IPC purposes * netsys: bindings for system functions * smtp and pop: two further client implementations . A number of ideas and concepts are used throughout the libraries: * netchannels are a way to abstract sequential I/O channels * event queues provided by equeue and unixqueue make asynchronous protocol interpreters possible . This package contains the development stuff you need to use GTK-related libraries of Ocamlnet in your programs.

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