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BeschreibungLALR(k) parser generator for Haskell 98
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (universe)
Installierte Größe1552 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibc6 (>= 2.4), libgmp3c2
Empfohlene Paketefrown-doc (= 0.6.1-9)
PaketbetreuerUbuntu MOTU Developers
Paketgröße453168 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5c4fd0a99f9a7c27ef93e122ac9354216
Prüfsumme SHA14c40ac3ccc170f3f3efe463a0245882c8af2232d
Prüfsumme SHA256bea4d7b86495aaa0d84528ed146a9146fb444c6b4c2db7ae36a838b962db4905
Link zum Herunterladenfrown_0.6.1-9_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungFrown is inspired by the parser generator Happy and uses a syntax quite simular as the syntax used by Happy. Happy only handles LALR(1) grammars while Frown can use more extensive LALR(k) grammars and the parsers generated by Frown are also faster than the parsers generated by Happy. . The salient features of Frown are: - The generated parsers are time and space efficient. On the downside, the parsers are quite large. - Frown generates four different types of parsers. As a common characteristic, the parsers are genuinely functional (ie 'table-free'); the states of the underlying LR automaton are encoded as mutually recursive functions. Three output formats use a typed stack representation, one format due to Ross Paterson (code=stackless) works even without a stack. - Encoding states as functions means that each state can be treated individually as opposed to a table driven-approach, which necessitates a uniform treatment of states. For instance, look-ahead is only used when necessary to resolve conflicts. - Frown comes with debugging and tracing facilities; the standard output format due to Doaitse Swierstra (code=standard) may be useful for teaching LR parsing. - Common grammatical patterns such as repetition of symbols can be captured using rule schemata. There are several predefined rule schemata. - Terminal symbols are arbitrary variable-free Haskell patterns or guards. Both terminal and nonterminal symbols may have an arbitrary number of synthesized attributes. - Frown comes with extensive documentation; several example grammars are included. . Furthermore, Frown supports the use of monadic lexers, monadic semantic actions, precedences and associativity, the generation of backtracking parsers, multiple start symbols, error reporting and a weak form of error correction.

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