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BeschreibungCERNLIB data analysis suite - core development files
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (universe)
Installierte Größe20 Byte
Hängt ab voncernlib-base (= 2006.dfsg.2-14ubuntu2), cernlib-base-dev, libgraflib1-dev, libgrafx11-1-dev, libkern
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße1136 Byte
Prüfsumme MD58a19c4b64853c858ce78ebff8621c83c
Prüfsumme SHA15b93f39d64bd64ffb225abce1349ac84f36104a8
Prüfsumme SHA2566cbea44334b7c6c16e82f24bd5de97f5f95c3feaf8852f158e7ea0d6329a5fd1
Link zum Herunterladencernlib-core-dev_2006.dfsg.2-14ubuntu2_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungCERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences. . This metapackage provides the header files and static libraries needed by developers using the CERN libraries and not specifically interested in high energy physics. It also provides the CERNLIB development tools: DZedit, KUIPC, and the Nypatchy family of programs. CERNLIB analysis programs may be obtained by installing the cernlib-core metapackage.

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