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Beschreibungweb-based bug tracking system
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielle Debian Security updates squeeze/updates (main)
Installierte Größe17192 Byte
Hängt ab vondebconf (>= 0.9.95), libtemplate-perl (>= 2.22), libappconfig-perl (>= 1.56-2), libtimedate-perl (>=
Empfohlene Paketelibchart-perl (>= 0.99c.pre3-0.1), libtemplate-plugin-gd-perl, libxml-parser-perl, perlmagick, mysql
PaketbetreuerRaphael Bossek
Paketgröße2771036 Byte
Prüfsumme MD54881eac89b514991fb221daec5004608
Prüfsumme SHA1ff518d8d4a83439f4331dc6fd419003c46d47b78
Prüfsumme SHA2565c983661e6e50a1daac4f5549573bf224b7a46719f13536f635901218d30df79
Link zum Herunterladenbugzilla3_3.6.2.0-4.4_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungBugzilla is a Bug Tracking System accessible through a web interface, with which you can: * report bugs; * assign bugs to the appropriate developers; * prioritize bugs; * set bug dependencies; * arrange bugs by product and component. It can also be used as a todo list manager. . This package provides a web application that lets users make and look up bug reports. Interested users are automatically informed about changes to a bug's status.

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