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BeschreibungQuranic Study Tool
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (non-free)
Installierte Größe6340 Byte
Hängt ab vondefault-jre | java5-runtime | java6-runtime, libbasicplayer-java, libcommons-codec-java, libcommons-
Empfohlene Paketettf-freefont | ttf-dejavu, libmp3spi-java, libvorbisspi-java, libjorbis-java, libjspeex-java, libjla
PaketbetreuerDebian Islamic Maintainers
Paketgröße2307700 Byte
Prüfsumme MD560d6efde0fbe9e08d3b5993e74e99db7
Prüfsumme SHA1bade73c1f9d1209f6ed1fea96d561ab4096f659d
Prüfsumme SHA256e73a85bb6ae894f12b0ac1f77dac20c5a26f7d041028529c469082c2e1e53c92
Link zum Herunterladenzekr_0.7.6+repack-2_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungZekr is an open platform Quran study tool for simply browsing and researching on the Holy Quran (Koran). . A few selected features: - Zekr supports managed/scoped searching of the whole Quran and translations, with matching and non-matching diacritics; - A builtin Quran recitation player; - Revelation pack support (revelation order of suras or ayas); - Advanced search using Lucene powerful text search library: Boolean operators, groups, wild cards, scopes, ...; - "Uthman Taha (experimental)" theme: This theme uses me_quran font (designed by Meor Ridzuan) for rendering Quran ayas; - Zekr is flexible in adding new plugins, themes, language packs, and Quran's translations and recitations. . You can find more Quran translations and recitations in Zekr's website: . If you would like to ask for a solution of any problem you have with zekr, report bugs, ask for new features, help in developing zekr, contribute in documenting zekr and extending zekr's wiki, translate zekr in your native language, and prepare Quran translations available in your language for zekr you are welcome to the project Google group: . Please be advised that although the Quran text used in Zekr which is provided by is one of the most accurate electronic Quran texts passed both manual and automatic text verification processes, it may still have typos. If you find any typos, please report it in the Google group mentioned above.

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