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Beschreibungcommand line tools to compute graph automorphisms
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (non-free)
Installierte Größe940 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibc6 (>= 2.7), libnauty1d (>= 2.4)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian Science Maintainers
Paketgröße523804 Byte
Prüfsumme MD51fefe16e9bc23be472590afa029f8953
Prüfsumme SHA15fbb224a6345152105fbf68a6ed7e4d4fdf632c6
Prüfsumme SHA256792b75dc0a22f487393a2aee7e79bdb150b4f98f202fa723e6d53d480cc6a67e
Link zum Herunterladennauty_2.4-2_i386.deb
Ausführliche Beschreibungnauty (no automorphisms, yes?) is a set of procedures for determining the automor- phism group of a vertex-coloured graph. It provides this information in the form of a set of generators, the size of the group, and the orbits of the group. It is also able to produce a canonically-labelled isomorph of the graph, to assist in isomorphism testing. This package provides the main command line tool dreadnaut, and some utilities ('gtools'). A C API is also available.

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