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BeschreibungTremulous documentation
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (contrib)
Installierte Größe720 Byte
Hängt ab von
Empfohlene Paketetremulous
PaketbetreuerDebian Games Team
Paketgröße646134 Byte
Prüfsumme MD59b7b9ea11df3ecc5ef907a3bea2d2075
Prüfsumme SHA17d28983c61040478b7189f1bd54a6b149e30a46b
Prüfsumme SHA256e149184dc6e56a0940153a651e07ae993b15e6de5ca186888a2e094f8d72adca
Link zum Herunterladentremulous-doc_1.1.0-8~squeeze1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis package contains the PDF manual for the Tremulous client and server. . Tremulous is a free, open source game that blends a team based First Person Shooter (FPS) game with elements of a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game. Players can choose from 2 unique races, aliens and humans. Players on both teams are able to build working structures in-game like a Real Time Strategy game. These structures provide many functions, the most important being spawning. The designated builders must ensure there are spawn structures or other players will not be able to rejoin the game after death. Other structures provide automated base defense (to some degree), healing functions and much more... . Player advancement is different depending on which team you are on. As a human, players are rewarded with credits for each alien kill. These credits may be used to purchase new weapons and upgrades from the "Armoury". The alien team advances quite differently. Upon killing a human foe, the alien is able to evolve into a new class. The more kills gained the more powerful the classes available. . The overall objective behind Tremulous is to eliminate the opposing team. This is achieved by not only killing the opposing players but also removing their ability to respawn by destroying their spawn structures.

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