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Beschreibungweb-based binary newsgrabber with nzb support
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (contrib)
Installierte Größe2412 Byte
Hängt ab vonpython (<< 2.7), python (>= 2.4), python-support (>= 0.90.0), python-cheetah (>= 2.0.1), python-conf
Empfohlene Paketepython-yenc (>= 0.3), python-openssl (>= 0.6), unzip, par2 (>= 0.4), unrar (>= 3.8.0) | rar (>= 3.8.
PaketbetreuerJCF Ploemen (jcfp)
Paketgröße740000 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5259d4f18860a3bdeba3349deeeecfc46
Prüfsumme SHA1124b6d12f80aa4ddb7d317b2afc172bd099fd410
Prüfsumme SHA2560899185101930fef892976b59a216fbbd611a2fb72eefe46d0c5851117d44afe
Link zum Herunterladensabnzbdplus_0.5.4-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungSABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts. . Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, newzbin and nzbmatrix integration, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications, and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with the program. . The program is a fork of the original SABnzbd code, which is no longer actively developed.

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