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Beschreibungfirmware files used by the linux-wlan-ng driver
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (contrib)
Installierte Größe228 Byte
Hängt ab vonlinux-wlan-ng (>= 0.2.9+dfsg-4), linux-wlan-ng-source (>= 0.2.9+dfsg-4), build-essential, debhelper,
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerTormod Volden
Paketgröße54632 Byte
Prüfsumme MD52acb81eddecb97f79039762d5f9428e7
Prüfsumme SHA1a5149fb1abeaaa81c2b0fad9e04e32c1d977bcb8
Prüfsumme SHA256d93cf8a4fd7393a011bd89c434982401e97bf4fb5899b7250d59242b1659b12f
Link zum Herunterladenlinux-wlan-ng-firmware_0.2.9+dfsg-4_all.deb
Ausführliche Beschreibunglinux-wlan-ng is a set of drivers and utilities that is intended to provide the full range of IEEE 802.11 MAC management capabilities for use in user-mode utilities and scripts. The package currently supports the Intersil 802.11b Prism2, Prism2.5, and Prism3 reference designs for PCMCIA, PCI, and USB. Additionally, the package includes support for the PLX9052 based PCI to PCMCIA adapter with a few different PCMCIA cards. . This package doesn't contain the firmware files, but a script to download the upstream source tarball and build a deb that contains them. Note that only some adapters really need a firmware file and that firmware files are not completely free (in the sense of freely redistributable), that's why this package exists. . For newer kernels (2.6.31+) which have the in-tree prism2_usb driver, you can install the prism2-usb-firmware-installer package instead.

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