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BeschreibungJDEE, Java Development Environment for Emacs(en)
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (contrib)
Installierte Größe3804 Byte
Hängt ab vonbsh, cedet-contrib (>= 1:1.0pre4-2), cogre (>= 1:1.0pre4-2), eieio (>= 1:1.0pre4-2), elib (>= 1.0),
Empfohlene Paketeecb, gcj | java-compiler, gij | java-virtual-machine
PaketbetreuerMichael W. Olson (GNU address)
Paketgröße1577706 Byte
Prüfsumme MD53890e60f4e882a80f6a5d1b562a1dc4b
Prüfsumme SHA1dec9cb85bfc682b6d7388421e4cee6bb0c8cb00a
Prüfsumme SHA256d285a9395425d0f445edba5ae0104b0d4354c7c44128fe641c7e4f062b0e7bc4
Link zum Herunterladenjde_2.3.5.1-5_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThe Java Development Environment for Emacs (JDEE) is an add-on Emacs Lisp package that interfaces Emacs to third-party Java application development tools, such as those provided by JavaSoft's Java Development Kit (JDK). The result is an integrated development environment (IDE) comparable in power to many commercial Java IDEs. Features include: - source code editing with syntax highlighting and auto indentation - compilation with automatic jump from error messages to responsible line in the source code. - run Java application in an interactive (comint) Emacs buffer - integrated debugging with interactive debug command buffer and automatic display of current source file/line when stepping through code - browse JDK doc, using the browser of your choice - browse your source code, using the Emacs etags facility or a tree-structured speedbar. - easily and infinitely customizable

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