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BeschreibungGTK application to control your mobile phone
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe2404 Byte
Hängt ab vonpython, python-support (>= 0.90.0), python-gammu (>= 0.24), python-wxgtk2.8 | python-wxgtk2.6
Empfohlene Paketetimidity, python-bluez | python-bluetooth, python-dbus, notification-daemon
PaketbetreuerMichal ÄŒihaÅ™
Paketgröße621362 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5f089154b3669154b2332526fabcf0dc7
Prüfsumme SHA198eb37656b82629c212efff8b3be24a81535fd9c
Prüfsumme SHA256b64437d0aa5217c9d78c6ff6871510ae76079cf03062bba6115f07d4fb3bb230
Link zum Herunterladenwammu_0.33-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungMobile phone manager using Gammu as its backend. . It works with any phone that Gammu supports, including many models from Nokia, Siemens, and Alcatel. It has complete support (read, edit, delete, copy) for contacts, todo, and calendar. It can read, save, and send SMS. It includes an SMS composer for multi-part SMS messages, and it can display SMS messages that include pictures. Currently, only text and predefined bitmaps or sounds can be edited in the SMS composer. It can export messages to an IMAP4 server (or other email storage). . This program does not support browsing files in phone, use gMobileMedia instead.

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