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BeschreibungTeX Live: Humanities packages
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe1564 Byte
Hängt ab vondpkg (>= 1.14.18), tex-common (>= 2.00), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1)
Empfohlene Paketetexlive-humanities-doc
PaketbetreuerDebian TeX Maintainers
Paketgröße308806 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5dab4cfc2b0669af8edebcdd2cfd68380
Prüfsumme SHA1fbe843ca2850fbb7a7a390200cc0ae346f967cc4
Prüfsumme SHA256f066c2779a868525cc682bd52fe6eece0aad500e2d69c95ff4d4230dbb64dee6
Link zum Herunterladentexlive-humanities_2009-10_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungPackages for law, linguistics, the social sciences, the humanities, etc. . This package includes the following CTAN packages: alnumsec -- Alphanumeric section numbering. arydshln -- Horizontal and vertical dashed lines in arrays and tabulars. bibleref -- Format bible citations. covington -- Linguistic support. dramatist -- Typeset dramas, both in verse and in prose. ecltree -- Trees using epic and eepic macros. ednotes -- Typeset scholarly editions. gb4e -- Linguistic tools. gmverse -- a package for typesetting (short) poems. jura -- A document class for German legal texts. juraabbrev -- Abbreviations for typesetting (German) juridical documents. juramisc -- Typesetting German juridical documents. jurarsp -- Citations of judgements and official documents in (German) juridical documents. ledmac -- Typeset scholarly editions in parallel texts. lexikon -- Macros for a two language dictionary. lineno -- Line numbers on paragraphs. linguex -- Format linguists' examples. liturg -- Support for typesetting Catholic liturgical texts. parallel -- Typeset parallel texts. parrun -- Typesets (two) streams of text running parallel. plari -- Typesetting stageplay scripts. play -- Typeset drama using LaTeX. poemscol -- Typesetting Critical Editions of Poetry. qobitree -- LaTeX macros for typesetting trees. qtree -- Draw tree structures. rtklage -- A package for German lawyers screenplay -- A class file to typeset screenplays. sides -- A LaTeX class for typesetting stage plays. stage -- A LaTeX class for stage plays tree-dvips -- Trees and other linguists' macros. verse -- Aids for typesetting simple verse. xyling -- Draw syntactic trees, etc., for linguistics literature, using xy- pic.

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