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BeschreibungTeX Live: TeX auxiliary programs
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe3052 Byte
Hängt ab vonpython, dpkg (>= 1.14.18), dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info, tex-common (>= 2.00), texlive-base (>= 2
Empfohlene Paketepurifyeps, xindy, lacheck, ghostscript
PaketbetreuerDebian TeX Maintainers
Paketgröße1584316 Byte
Prüfsumme MD54fe0328d2a26ff9e05ae5cadd14cbcfc
Prüfsumme SHA19a1172e79af9a28b6649785ef1ff9644bac5c3ea
Prüfsumme SHA25614cb35ea84b6f569df85d787195ddcf9ead189aacd512c18ab97cd0b78b5bddd
Link zum Herunterladentexlive-extra-utils_2009-10_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungVarious useful, but non-essential, support programs. Includes programs and macros for DVI file manipulation, literate programming, patgen, and the TeX Works Editor. . This package includes the following CTAN packages: a2ping -- Advanced PS, PDF, EPS converter. bibtex8 -- A fully 8-bit adaptation of BibTeX 0.99. ctie -- cweb -- A Web system in C. detex -- Strip TeX from a source file. dtl -- Tools to dis-assemble and re-assemble DVI files. dvi2tty -- Produce ASCII from DVI. dviasm -- A utility for editing DVI files. dvicopy -- Copy DVI files, flattening VFs. dviljk -- DVI to Laserjet output. dvipos -- findhyph -- Find hyphenated words in a document. getnonfreefonts -- hyphenex -- Generate a hyphenation exceptions file. latex2man -- Translate LaTeX-based manual pages into Unix man format. listings-ext -- Automated input of source. mkind-english -- mkjobtexmf -- Generate a texmf tree for a particular job. patgen -- pdfcrop -- Crop PDF graphics. pdftools -- PDF-related utilities, including PostScript-to-PDF conversion pkfix -- Replace pk fonts in PostScript with Type 1 fonts. pkfix-helper -- Make PostScript files accessible to pkfix. seetexk -- Utiities for manipulating DVI files. synctex -- texcount -- Count words in a LaTeX document. texdiff -- Compare documents and produce tagged merge. texdirflatten -- Collect files related to a LaTeX job in a single directory. texloganalyser -- Analyse TeX logs. texware -- Utility programs for use with TeX. tie -- Allow multiple web change files. tpic2pdftex -- Use tpic commands in PDFTeX. web -- original web programs tangle and weave

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