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Beschreibungsmall newsfeed from an NNTP server with standard NNTP commands
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe520 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibc6 (>= 2.7-1), libssl0.9.8 (>= 0.9.8f-5)
Empfohlene Paketeperl
PaketbetreuerChristian Marillat
Paketgröße161606 Byte
Prüfsumme MD509ebeadf095797537aa8ae22dff9b2aa
Prüfsumme SHA1dc823f3b4aee33359775ceacc8efaa0538069335
Prüfsumme SHA25609d5d77f56dff4adfd0bcf882d2ab285c7847d862c1e3ba9b72b92f70d286fdc
Link zum Herunterladensuck_4.3.2-6_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis package contains software for copying news from an NNTP server to your local machine, and copying replies back up to an NNTP server. . The suck/rpost combination allows you to run your own INN/CNEWS site, controlling where you get your news, and where you post outgoing articles. Suck/rpost use only standard NNTP commands that are used by your favorite news reader (like tin, knews, trn) such as POST and ARTICLE. If you can use tin or knews against an NNTP site, than you can use Suck/Rpost and have multiple site feeds. . NOTE: Suck will not work with obsolete NNTP servers that can't handle the xhdr command.

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