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BeschreibungSCIM-Bridge client for GNU Emacs
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe344 Byte
Hängt ab vonemacs | emacs23 | emacs22, scim-bridge-agent (>= 0.4.13)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerTakaya Yamashita
Paketgröße67280 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5af6a5962a5490e118f1c47ee508bff9a
Prüfsumme SHA1a31c878e93639f337313587579216f15caa8749a
Prüfsumme SHA25640943e66c34d9261068a1d97da137c6db28f1bc7af1d81b551cc407cafb1f87b
Link zum Herunterladenscim-bridge-el_0.8.1-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThe Smart Common Input Method platform (SCIM) is an input method (IM) platform containing support for more than thirty languages (CJK and many European languages) for POSIX-style operating systems including Linux and BSD. scim-bridge.el is a SCIM-Bridge client for Emacs. This program allows users on-the-spot style input with SCIM. The input statuses are individually kept for each buffer, and prefix-keys such as C-x and C-c can be used even if SCIM is active. So you can input various languages fast and comfortably by using it. This program is *not* a part of SCIM-Bridge.

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