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BeschreibungTool to work with series of patches
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe872 Byte
Hängt ab vonpatch, diffstat, bzip2, gettext
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerMartin Quinson
Paketgröße354252 Byte
Prüfsumme MD54ae01677de3f7a11bf768f895fa69edf
Prüfsumme SHA1bf5ae15f0e2d3511314f1b9c2083a5acbd2d9865
Prüfsumme SHA2563c80f694989c0c0eb9b009fce682c52958705ac41cce577cde2076d055f01797
Link zum Herunterladenquilt_0.48-7_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungQuilt manages a series of patches by keeping track of the changes each of them makes. They are logically organized as a stack, and you can apply, un-apply, refresh them easily by traveling into the stack (push/pop). . Quilt is good for managing additional patches applied to a package received as a tarball or maintained in another version control system. The stacked organization is proven to be efficient for the management of very large patch sets (more than hundred patches). As matter of fact, it was designed by and for Linux kernel hackers (Andrew Morton, from the -mm branch, is the original author), and its main use by the current upstream maintainer is to manage the (hundreds of) patches against the kernel made for the SUSE distribution. . This package provides seamless integration into Debhelper or CDBS, allowing maintainers to easily add a quilt-based patch management system in their packages. The package also provides some basic support for those not using those tools. See README.Debian for more information.

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