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BeschreibungPython web widget toolkit (Desktop version)
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe252 Byte
Hängt ab vonpython-support (>= 0.90.0), python-hulahop
Empfohlene Paketepyjamas-ui
PaketbetreuerPhilip Hands
Paketgröße65814 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5922beac3f7b66693f474b1b0afffe811
Prüfsumme SHA1113c967c6ae79a712bdbadfd8f2e3395dd8a7561
Prüfsumme SHA25631a02e99faf700a6e6f1f48961a1737e813ff04042cb3d12c7f169eac398a70b
Link zum Herunterladenpyjamas-desktop_0.7~+pre2-3_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungPyjamas Desktop is the desktop version of Pyjamas, the Web Widget application framework. . Pyjamas is typically used for the development of "Web 2.0" RIAs, where the application can be almost exclusively written in Python, instead of Javascript, yet compiled to run in the user's browser. . The Desktop version of Pyjamas takes the original Python application (which, in the browser version, is put through a Javascript Compiler), and executes it directly, through the standard Python Interpreter, unmodified. The Pyjamas Infrastructure then uses XULRunner as the Browser Engine, to render the application's widgets.

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