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BeschreibungOCaml internationalization library
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe3728 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibcamomile-ocaml-dev, libfileutils-ocaml-dev, libgettext-ocaml (= 0.3.3-1+b4), camlp4-3.11.2, libca
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian OCaml Maintainers
Quelleocaml-gettext (0.3.3-1)
Paketgröße528090 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5f8a12004472e9abe8ff91a8b3107c19f
Prüfsumme SHA16494e60091f7092b3b3a2c242fe64c49fae8af46
Prüfsumme SHA25612198d2de7a851e5012450066950b5d164c20d0eb76f22b3aace6fe76852fa9f
Link zum Herunterladenlibgettext-ocaml-dev_0.3.3-1+b4_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis library provides utilities and libraries to enable localization in OCaml programs. It is based on the same principle of GNU gettext. . The package provides two libraries to do effectively translation : - gettext-camomile : pure OCaml implementation of gettext - gettext-stub : implementation using the gettext library. . This package contains header, OCaml library and devel tools.

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