Ausführliche Beschreibung | Mixal is an implementation of the imaginary computer called
MIX and its assembly language MIXAL, which were invented
by Donald E. Knuth in the 1960's for use in his monumental
and yet unfinished book series "The Art of Computer Programming".
All actual programs and all programming exercises in the series
are written in MIXAL.
This package contains a modified version of Darius Bacon's Mixal
implementation. It takes a MIXAL source file, translates it to
MIX machine code and then executes the resulting program, all in
a single run. The result of the assembler step cannot be extracted
to a file. Similarly, one cannot take a precompiled MIX program and
try to execute it in this emulator - only MIXAL source is accepted.
The MIX emulator does not support floating-point operations
nor the tape devices described in Knuth's book. This is not fatal,
however, and most of the programs and exercise answers in Knuth's
book can be run in this MIXAL implementation.