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BeschreibungView-OS - Kernel patch for better UMView performances
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe344 Byte
Hängt ab vonbash (>= 2.0), patch, grep-dctrl
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian VSquare Team
Paketgröße100590 Byte
Prüfsumme MD580b922ba4e9389936f3281e6804e4d91
Prüfsumme SHA105de10b36f1f170e395ee68e040a52bd7840834a
Prüfsumme SHA256dcd30bb90f0c6d34b1584f3d0ea4c6ae285967dfa5404e9f85232074eb662616
Link zum Herunterladenkernel-patch-viewos_0.20080616-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungView-OS is a novel approach to the process/kernel interface. The semantics of each system call can be assigned process by process giving the user the right to decide which view of the system each process has to join. Each process can "see" a different file system structure, networking resources, processor, devices. Moreover some of the resources can be provided by the user him/herself, thus these resource can be private to the single process and are not known a priori by the system. Groups of processes can share the same view but this is just an optimization to share management methods. . For more information, see . This package contains a couple of kernel patches that should be used together with UMView. Though not required, they consent dramatic improvements in performances. These patches are quite general and can also be used by other virtualization software (as User Mode Linux, or everything that uses the ptrace() system call) to increase performances.

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