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BeschreibungCLI tools for Hugin
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe12728 Byte
Hängt ab vonhugin-data (= 2010.0.0+dfsg-3), freeglut3, libboost-thread1.42.0 (>= 1.42.0-1), libc6 (>= 2.7), libe
Empfohlene Paketelibpano13-bin
PaketbetreuerDebian PhotoTools Maintainers
Quellehugin (2010.0.0+dfsg-3)
Paketgröße3347330 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5e808f312b1dab404e2e0d4ff4fb82028
Prüfsumme SHA16c4c853eea6aee3b0354218a3ed3e2f148dcf439
Prüfsumme SHA2560961ea6f6d4a129c8e6e4db5a5165092c0b95631d987e87182a292a7b1ff293f
Link zum Herunterladenhugin-tools_2010.0.0+dfsg-3+b1_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungHugin is a panorama photo stitching program. . This package includes command-line tools used by hugin and other packages for image stitching and High Dynamic Range (HDR) images: * align_image_stack - Align overlapping images for HDR creation. * autooptimiser - Optimize image positions. * calibrate_lens - Lens calibration tool * cpclean - Remove wrong control points * fulla - Correct lens distortion, vignetting, and chromatic aberration. * hugin_hdrmerge - Merge overlapping images. * nona - Stitch a panorama image. * vig_optimize - Determine the radial vignetting. * pto2mk - Create a makefile for stitching. * matchpoint - Run feature detection and extraction * celeste_standalone- Remove cloud-like control points.

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