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BeschreibungFast Light Window Manager (debugging symbols)
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe216 Byte
Hängt ab vonflwm (= 1.02+cvs20080422-6)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerPatrick Matthäi
Paketgröße77100 Byte
Prüfsumme MD58487bd0bab3cdb1ee60d8c93bf323406
Prüfsumme SHA15ac0c2829e6d6bf9c850f165f9f3932a35467e25
Prüfsumme SHA256fb804676f1e68b46d54ecb5070ceef53c1915498e5087b0d4fd5a196e363ab1c
Link zum Herunterladenflwm-dbg_1.02+cvs20080422-6_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungFlwm is an attempt to combine the best ideas from several window managers. The primary influence and code base is from wm2 by Chris Cannam. Primary features copied from wm2 are: . - Does not look like Windoze. - Nifty sideways title bars. - No icons. You deiconify by picking off a pop-up menu. This means no space is wasted by icons. - Really small and fast code. . It is enhanced by the author's own further nutty ideas: . - Does not use shape extension, more standard resize handles. - Occupies as little screen space as possible. The border and titles are as thin as you could possibly make them. And maximized windows waste only 15 pixels horizontally and zero (count'em) pixels vertically! - Independent maximize buttons for width & height, close button. - Understands Motif, KDE, and GNOME window manager hints. - Multiple desktops, controlled from the same menu as the icons. . This package contains the debugging symbols for flwm.

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