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BeschreibungErlang/OTP applications for CORBA support
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe4136 Byte
Hängt ab vonerlang-base (= 1:14.a-dfsg-3squeeze1) | erlang-base-hipe (= 1:14.a-dfsg-3squeeze1), erlang-inets (=
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian Erlang Packagers
Paketgröße2485050 Byte
Prüfsumme MD51e8e90bd7b6b10c9142d6f44c7b43b25
Prüfsumme SHA14044bcd0b3cd228f37f13ccfeea88deec1c82f9f
Prüfsumme SHA2565fe8c60b226937fd6f60c5d9f361f15c5e1fe4628081dfdbc6cd83e960558c5c
Link zum Herunterladenerlang-corba_14.a-dfsg-3squeeze1_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThe Orber application is an Erlang implementation of a CORBA Object Request Broker. . The cosEvent application is an Erlang implementation of a CORBA Service CosEvent. . The cosEventDomain application is an Erlang implementation of a CORBA Service CosEventDomainAdmin. . The cosFileTransfer Application is an Erlang implementation of the OMG CORBA File Transfer Service. . The cosNotification application is an Erlang implementation of the OMG CORBA Notification Service. . The cosProperty Application is an Erlang implementation of the OMG CORBA Property Service. . The cosTime application is an Erlang implementation of the OMG CORBA Time and TimerEvent Services. . The cosTransactions application is an Erlang implementation of the OMG CORBA Transaction Service.

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