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BeschreibungA simple web based presentation front-end for RRDtool
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe348 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibrrds-perl
Empfohlene Paketehttpd | apache2, librcs-perl
PaketbetreuerMohammad Ebrahim Mohammadi Panah
Paketgröße56790 Byte
Prüfsumme MD52dff00e2b742c9f8aed83ff729996fb3
Prüfsumme SHA1070492605871725f7a9fd1f7a45e464c4aece34d
Prüfsumme SHA25653ac2c6d5a116ce7d080adfeba3d705121af9fdafc91327ac48525795977c038
Link zum Herunterladendrraw_2.2b2-3_all.deb
Ausführliche Beschreibungdrraw is a simple web based presentation front-end for RRDtool that allows you to interactively build graphs of your own design. A graph definition can be turned into a template which may be applied to many Round Robin Database files. drraw specializes in providing an easy mean of displaying data stored with RRDtool and does not care about how the data is collected, making it a great complement to other RRDtool front-ends.

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