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Beschreibungpatch maintenance system for Debian source packages
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe344 Byte
Hängt ab vonbash (>= 3.0-6)
Empfohlene Paketedpkg-dev, fakeroot, patchutils
PaketbetreuerDpatch Maintainers
Paketgröße92330 Byte
Prüfsumme MD504467f4a740e1064f694251ddb5eb794
Prüfsumme SHA1884c9172d450ca107419e5ef7b7cae88d5eb9e20
Prüfsumme SHA25692763784a65d563a3f408a40042159b48456f1b2205b2ae52d36edd8af6f03f2
Link zum Herunterladendpatch_2.0.31_all.deb
Ausführliche Beschreibungdpatch is an easy to use patch system for Debian packages, somewhat similar to the dbs package, but much simpler to use. . It lets you store patches and other simple customization templates in debian/patches and otherwise does not require much reorganization of your source tree. To get the patches applied at build time you simply need to include a makefile snippet and then depend on the patch/unpatch target in the build or clean stage of debian/rules - or you can use the dpatch patching script directly. . It can easily apply patches only on specific architectures if needed.

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