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Beschreibungalternative front-end for dpkg -- console interface
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe204 Byte
Hängt ab vonperl, libcupt-perl (>= 1.5), libcupt-perl (<< 1.6), sensible-utils
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerEugene V. Lyubimkin
Paketgröße67562 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5216e66717e07910cabe3bb00cff50d1a
Prüfsumme SHA103f89988f5412834c9406574a93d8de80ec3e139
Prüfsumme SHA2564fc7e23487d43ede3b3564febfd2e6e5233890cb1a47b8ec56636bddc88b0b6c
Link zum Herunterladencupt_1.5.14.1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis package provides a console interface to Cupt library, which is a re-implementation of libapt-pkg C++ library using Perl. The aim is to produce more strict, more robust, less buggy front-end than APT. . Cupt uses the same APT infrastructure, e.g. index files, deb cache archive files, configuration files. It understands some of widely used APT options. . Some features: - strict full-case resolver; - resolver reasons tracking; - command-line and APT-like option name checker; - case-sensitive search; - pinning by source package name; - pinning by package groups using shell-like patterns; - configurable 'depends' and 'rdepends' subcommands; - 'satisfy' subcommand; - support of LZMA-compressed indexes; - source versions synchronization; - 'shell' subcommand (to get command history, search etc. working, install the package 'libterm-readline-gnu-perl'); - integration with debdelta (to get it, install the package 'debdelta'); - system snapshots (needs packages 'dpkg-dev' and 'dpkg-repack'). . Its interface is mostly like apt-get/aptitude console interface.

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