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BeschreibungLightweight and easy-use Mandatory Access Control for Linux
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe1620 Byte
Hängt ab vonbash (>= 2.0), patch, grep-dctrl
Empfohlene Paketelinux-source-2.6, kernel-package (>= 7.04), tomoyo-ccstools1.7
PaketbetreuerHideki Yamane
Paketgröße1484988 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5e11984e31c64e8796aee0421a4f05692
Prüfsumme SHA1749b711aebd875bffe3f8dbf487489d4b53a29e6
Prüfsumme SHA25617aadd9741f9e18fb613b19c93e741b9376c54a345daa1067ebc8ce5df63af94
Link zum Herunterladenlinux-patch-tomoyo1.7_1.7.2-20100804-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungTOMOYO Linux implements "Lightweight and Usable Mandatory Access Control" with the following features: - "automatic policy configuring" feature by "LEARNING mode" - administrators friendly policy language - no need libselinux nor userland program modifications . TOMOYO Linux consists of patches to the Linux kernel and to administrative utilities. This package contains Linux kernel patch. . And from version 1.7.x, it has no compatiblity with previous 1.6.x. So, if you want to use this version, you MUST discard until 1.6.x version's settings.

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