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Beschreibungbittorrent client with GUI interface
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe180 Byte
Hängt ab vonpython, bittornado (= 0.3.18-10), python-wxgtk2.6 | python-wxgtk2.8
Empfohlene Paketemime-support, python-crypto
PaketbetreuerCameron Dale
Paketgröße41076 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5bd655c2f8c820fb3480215d3d4ca7d85
Prüfsumme SHA11d0fd8d13731c3d40a196fd6dba0f059ef2c156b
Prüfsumme SHA256da64d7722fc8275edf90c7de5458802642d0c785f5c7d3dbcea6cc5380e8261f
Link zum Herunterladenbittornado-gui_0.3.18-10_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThe GUI interface to the BitTornado bittorrent client. BitTornado is a bittorrent client built on the original BitTorrent client from BitTorrent Inc. This client features a GUI interface, lots of features, and is one of the original bittorrent clients created. . Features include: * upload/download speed limitation * prioritised downloading when downloading batches (several files) * detailed information about connections to other peers * encryption (PE/MSE) support (with the recommended python-crypto) * console mode for running from scripts * curses mode for running interactively * tracker for the distribution of files . This package contains the GUI interface, install only the bittornado package to get a console and curses interface and a bittorrent tracker. See the bittorrent package for a description of what bittorrent is.

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