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BeschreibungA free molecular modeling and molecular graphics tool
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe2996 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibball1.3, libballview1.3, libboost-iostreams1.42.0 (>= 1.42.0-1), libboost-system1.42.0 (>= 1.42.0
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerAndreas Hildebrandt
Quelleball (1.3.2-2)
Paketgröße2547066 Byte
Prüfsumme MD53b8379378ae1d3d6e5e5ea42e43cd461
Prüfsumme SHA15c8cbabb32e03d30a75dcbd8f69146e8bb390c39
Prüfsumme SHA25643aaa2389c6a2de590d658e2c08634347e41d1008e7ea8fef0e81ac8e8cefbf9
Link zum Herunterladenballview_1.3.2-2+b2_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungBALLView provides fast OpenGL-based visualization of molecular structures, molecular mechanics methods (minimization, MD simulation using the AMBER, CHARMM, and MMFF94 force fields), calculation and visualization of electrostatic properties (FDPB) and molecular editing features. . BALLView can be considered a graphical user interface on the basis of BALL (Biochemical Algorithms Library), having taken the most common demands of protein chemists and biophysicists in particular taken into account. which is currently being developed in the groups of Hans-Peter Lenhof (Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany) and Oliver Kohlbacher (University of Tuebingen, Germany). BALL is an application framework in C++ that has been specifically designed for rapid software development in Molecular Modeling and Computational Molecular Biology. It provides an extensive set of data structures as well as classes for Molecular Mechanics, advanced solvation methods, comparison and analysis of protein structures, file import/export, and visualization.

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