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Beschreibungdungeon adventure game with multiplayer support - 3D version
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe11432 Byte
Hängt ab vonbalazar3-common, python-soya (>= 0.14), python-ogg, python-pyvorbis
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerVincent Bernat
Paketgröße5547628 Byte
Prüfsumme MD58f6f6c4d73ee07966108844aa57bd998
Prüfsumme SHA15a03bec79d577457c10ecf7617f4dba6400347e4
Prüfsumme SHA25640746437d083850f151bc24c0aec1a005dca385c0cb49b5294f72ca0eb4d12ff
Link zum Herunterladenbalazar3-3d_0.1-9_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungBalazar III is a dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support. As you explore the dungeon, you'll gain magical objects, experience and powers, but also... curses ! Balazar III is based on the (French) comics "Le guide Balazar du mauvais sorcier" (Balazar's guide to bad sorcerers). . The game comes in two versions (which are network-compatible): - 3D version destined to computer gamers. The 3D version is graphically more beautiful, as it takes avantages of the nice cellshading algorithms of the Soya 3D engine. - 2D version, currently supporting 640x480 and 800x480 resolutions. It has been designed mainly for hand-held devices (Sharp Zaurus, Nokia N810, Openmoko Freerunner, Asus EEE PC, and the like), although it can be used on computer too. This version has been highly optimized so as it can be run in 640x480 on a Zaurus C1000 (416 MHz ARM processor without graphics accelerators). . This package provides the 3D version.

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