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Beschreibungaudacious development files
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe348 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibaudclient2 (= 2.3-2), libaudid3tag2 (= 2.3-2), libaudcore1 (= 2.3-2), libdbus-1-dev (>= 0.60), li
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian Audacious Packagers
Paketgröße55010 Byte
Prüfsumme MD55bef112b926fc1a15cadce70f23a1fc8
Prüfsumme SHA14bb4998129b03bc4ebaf27c590069570a38c75f2
Prüfsumme SHA256fdbc77fcd8058c6b9ad6bf4749afe89941c208671370d446a3937fe5bcbb9290
Link zum Herunterladenaudacious-dev_2.3-2_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungAudacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports winamp skins and many codecs. . In the default install, the following codecs are supported: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * Windows Media (WMA) * Musepack * TTA * Many module formats and much more! . Additionally, Audacious is extendable through plugins, and contains other useful features like LIRC support and support for . This package contains the development libraries and header files required for developing components for audacious. . Please note that this package no longer contains libaudacious, as libaudacious was dropped in Audacious 1.4. You should use libaudclient instead.

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